Star Plus’ upcoming show Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji is a sequel of Diya Aur Baati Hum. The show starts 3rd April 2017. It will be airing at 1 pm, and is one of the new afternoon slot shows. After the sad ending of Diya Aur Baati Hum with Sooraj and Sandhya’s unfortunate demise, this sequel will take off from the generation leap point. Anas Rashid and Deepika Singh raised the show to a high standard by their amazing portrayals of Sooraj and Sandhya, who have become iconic characters. New leads Rhea Sharma and Avinesh Rekhi will be playing the roles of Kanak and Uma Shankar.
Diya Aur Baati Hum 2 Title Song Mp3 Download Mp3
Are you excited for Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji?
Diya Aur Baati Hum’s cast Neelu Waghela, Ashok Lokhande, Kanika Maheshwari and others will be seen with new actors. The show will focus on Sooraj and Sandhya’s children Ved, Vansh and Kanak’s life. Bhabho will be guiding them. Bhabho holds bitterness in heart against Kanak. She likes the jalebis prepared by Kanak, but does not find her similar to Sooraj and Sandhya in any aspect. Kanak has the values and personality of both Sooraj and Sandhya. Still, she is very much different from them. Kanak thinks of her parents when she faces tough times, and gains strength. Kanak is determined to choose her life partner when she finds someone equal to her. Uma Shankar will be Kanak’s love interest. The show looks very promising. Are you excited for Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji? Let us know your opinion in this poll.
Hum 2 Ucsd
Hum Saath-Saath Hain MP3 Song by Hariharan from the movie The Golden Collection of Bollywood Hits. Download Hum Saath-Saath Hain (हम साथ-साथ हैं) song on and listen The Golden Collection of Bollywood Hits Hum Saath-Saath Hain song offline. Oct 03, 2013 Diya Aur Baati Hum is a Hindi Serial of Star Plus. The title song of the serial is sung by Kailesh Kher and Shubha Mudgal and composed by Kailesh Kher himself. Anas Rashid and Deepika Singh are playing lead roles in the serial. Song title: Tu suraj Main sanjh piya ji TV Serial: Diya Aur Baati Hum TV: Star Plus Singers: Kailesh Kher, Shubha Mudgal. Diya Aur Baati Hum show is about Sandhya’s daily struggle. She dreams to become an IPS officer. Sandhya believes to break the rules of her narrow restricted life of middle class values.