Test cases for the migration project What are test cases and why are they important? Test cases are formal examinations designed to validate certain functionality from the legacy system that should be preserved in the migrated application, that is, when the project goal was functional equivalence. Develop migration validation test scripts, cases and reports sufficient for DAS/OIT and ODJFS to verify that all data has been migrated as agreed, user access integrity (roles, permissions and the like) is maintained. “When migrating file shares to SharePoint, don’t just blindly drag and drop the files and folders from one location to another” Step 1: Conduct Document Inventory When you are moving from an old house to a new one, you rarely just load everything you had in a truck and move.
In one of my project requirement it was said to upload all the test cases to TFS, I had an excel version. After doing a round of research found a way out of using a free 3rd party tool to achieve the requirement & the tool named is “Test Case Migrator Plus”. Thought of sharing with you if it helps anyone.
I downloaded the exe from: https://tcmimport.codeplex.com/releases/
Let’s see the steps to import the test cases from excel to TFS
Open the TFS and create a folder (not necessary) where you want to upload the test cases (for e.g.Test Plan)
Add a test plan named as “Test Site Test Plan”
Here is the dummy specie of test cases excel sheet I used.
One important field is ‘Path’ which will contain the folder name (or Test Plan name) and the other is ‘Date’.
Now in Test Case Migrator Tool and click on next.
Select the test case excel & next.
Directly downloaded “TestCaseMigrationPlus” software also was not working in our case, it was throwing below error:
Now as a solution what I did:
Downloaded the source code and apply the patches from: https://tcmimport.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/patches. Rebuild the application and then import the excel again.
Click on next and confirm at the end and test cases would be uploaded at the TFS URL where you want it.
Click on next.
Now mapped the fields accordingly. Please note that it’s not necessary to mapped all the fields but make sure that you mapped the mandatory fields (Title & Changed Date). Also, need to select Test suits as “Path”. You can refer the below screen shot for reference.
Click on next.
Click on next & unselect Create links between work items.
Click on next.
Click on next.
Click on Save and migrate.
Refresh the TFS link, the test cases will be imported to TFS successfully.
Open any one of the test case & check if the Action & expected result showing the data properly.
To run the test case you will have to right click on test case & run. To make it Pass you will have to select the test case & click on the “Pass test” button.
Hence go to the TFS and check that test cases are uploaded or not. On successful upload repeat the same process for other test cases.
Happy Coding
Tarun Kumar Chatterjee
Here is the showcase of how to proceed list migration across SharePoint Online site collections with the Virto Backup & Recovery solution.
The starting point of the list migration process is like that:
- Save the required SharePoint list as a template (List settings -> Save list as template);
- Download the saved template from the List Template Gallery;
- In List Template Gallery, upload the list to the site collection, that is supposed to restore the list.
We can use Virto SharePoint Online Backup & Recovery tool to solve this issue.
Virto Backup & Recovery Cmd is a migration solution that allows you to save / restore data in SharePoint Online.
We will examine the solution with Virto Backup & Recovery in the example below.
I have created two lists: Test_List and Test_List_2.
In Test_List list are added two fields:
– Person (type Person or Group)
– MyLookup (type Lookup) that refers to the Title field from the list Test_List_2
Virto SharePoint Online Backup & Recovery saves in backup a great amount of data by default (users, lists, group, etc.) But I need to move two lists only. In this case, I should create a configuration file.
Find Config.xml file in the folder with the utility (virtobr.exe). Copy this file with a new name, for example, TestConfig.xml.
Open TestConfig.xml in any text editor (I’ve used the VS Code)
I have replaced all true values to false in this example, except SiteUsers and WebLists.SiteUsers is needed to properly map source site users IDs to the destination users IDs. WebLists is used to save lists.
Since I do not want to save all the lists, but two lists only (Test_List and Test_List_2), I`ll add this requirement to configuration file.
ServerRelativeUrl is the relative address of a site with lists.
You can see the values examples below:
Relative Site Url |
/ |
/subsite |
/sites/testsite |
The final content of the xml file TestConfig.xml:
Now run cmd.exe (win -> cmd.exe), and go to the folder with the utility Virto Backup & Recovery.
Sharepoint Migration Tools
(Using VS Code, you can press F1, type “Create new integrated terminal” and press enter)
Run virtobr.exe with parameters:
virtobr.exe -o backup -s https://testportal.sharepoint.com/sites/b -d c:TestBackup -u mylogin@testportal.com -p MyP@$sWoRD1 –ConfigPath TestConfig.xml
-o: the type of operation being performed (backup, recovery)
-s: site address (or a folder address for recovery operation)
-d: folder address (the site address for recovery operation), where the backup will be saved (folder will be created automatically with TimeStamp added (e.g. TestBackup_201608251011))
-u: user login to connect to SharePoint
-p: user password to connect to SharePoint
–ConfigPath: The name of configuration file (if you do not specify the name, default Config.xml will be used)
As a result, the folder (such as TestBackup_201608251011) will be created, that will contain the backup files.
You need to run the utility once again with a few changes to restore (move) saved lists to this folder:
virtobr.exe -o recovery -s “c: TestBackup_201608251011” -d “https://testportal.sharepoint.com/sites/c” -u mylogin@testportal.com -p MyP@$sWoRD1
Sharepoint Migration Plan Examples
Type recovery as the operation (-o). The backup folder address is the source (-s), and the destination (-d) is the address of site collection where I need to restore backup.
After the recovery is done, check the result:
As you can see, we have items with restored Lookup and Person fields.
You can download and use Virto SharePoint Online Backup & Recovery solution and try its 30-days free trial as well.
Sharepoint Migration Test Cases Study
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